Bodybuilding workout |
Dumbbell Bench Press Instructions
- Lie down on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand resting on top of your thighs. The palms of your hands will be facing each other.
- Then, using your thighs to help raise the dumbbells up, lift the dumbbells one at a time so that you can hold them in front of you at shoulder width.
- Once at shoulder width, rotate your wrists forward so that the palms of your hands are facing away from you. The dumbbells should be just to the sides of your chest, with your upper arm and forearm creating a 90 degree angle. Be sure to maintain full control of the dumbbells at all times. This will be your starting position.
- Then, as you breathe out, use your chest to push the dumbbells up. Lock your arms at the top of the lift and squeeze your chest, hold for a second and then begin coming down slowly. Tip: Ideally, lowering the weight should take about twice as long as raising it.
- Repeat the movement for the prescribed amount of repetitions of your training program.
Barbell Bench Press - Medium Grip Instructions
- Lie back on a flat bench. Using a medium width grip (a grip that creates a 90-degree angle in the middle of the movement between the forearms and the upper arms), lift the bar from the rack and hold it straight over you with your arms locked. This will be your starting position.
- From the starting position, breathe in and begin coming down slowly until the bar touches your middle chest.
- After a brief pause, push the bar back to the starting position as you breathe out. Focus on pushing the bar using your chest muscles. Lock your arms and squeeze your chest in the contracted position at the top of the motion, hold for a second and then start coming down slowly again. Tip: Ideally, lowering the weight should take about twice as long as raising it.
- Repeat the movement for the prescribed amount of repetitions.
- When you are done, place the bar back in the rack.
- Setup. Grab the bars and jump up. ...
- Dip. Lower your body by bending your arms. ...
- Break Parallel. Go down until your shoulders are below your elbows at the bottom.
- Rise Up. Lift your body back up to the starting position by straightening your arms.
- Lockout. Balance yourself with your shoulders over your hands.
Pec Dec Instructions
- The pec dec is a great machine for isolating the chest. Before you start, adjust the seat height so that the bottom of the arm pads are about level with your chest when you're sitting on the machine.
- Select the weight you want to use on the stack.
- Sit on the machine, grasp the handles and/or place your forearms on the padding. Take the weight off the stack slightly. This is the starting position for the exercise.
- Keeping your body fixed, slowly bring the forearm pads or handles together. Don't let them touch.
- Squeeze the chest muscles for a count of 1-3, then slowly lower back to the starting position.
- Repeat for desired
Bent-Over Dumbbell Lateral Raise instructions
Starting Position: Bodybuilding workout with adumbbell in each hand, bend over at the hips until your torso is just about parallel to the floor. Keep your chest out, back flat and your knees slightlybent, and let the dumbbells hang directly beneath you with your elbows straight but not locked out, palms facing each other.
Cable Face Pull
- Assume a split stance with the arms straight out in front of you utilizing a pronated grip.
- Inhale and pull the rope towards your face with the elbows high.
- Slowly lower the rope back to the starting position and repeat for the desired number of repetitions on both sides.
Starting position
- Stand sideways in front of a low cable pulley, holding the stirrup in the hand farthest from the machine.
- Place your free hand on your hip for support.
- Bend forward a little at the hips.
Execution of cable one arm raise
- Keeping your elbow slightly bent, exhale as you raise the stirrup away from the pulley until your elbow is shoulder height.
- Hold for a count of two.
- Inhale as you lower the stirrup to the starting position in a controlled manner.
- Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
- Repeat the exercise with your opposite arm.
Grab a pair of dumbbells and sit up straight with your feet around shoulder width apart on the edge of a flat bench. Hold the dumbbells down at your sides with your palms facing in. Hold the dumbbells out at around 4 inches from your body. This is the starting position for the exercise.
Standing Military Press Instructions
Make sure to grip the bar wider thanshoulder width apart from each other. Slightly bend the knees and place thebarbell on your collar bone. Lift thebarbell up keeping it lying on your chest. Take a step back and position your feet shoulder width apart from each other.Bodybuilding workout |
Upright Barbell Row Instructions
- Grasp a barbell with an overhand grip that is slightly less than shoulder width. ...
- Now exhale and use the sides of your shoulders to lift the bar, raising your elbows up and to the side. ...
- Lower the bar back down slowly to the starting position.
Barbell Shrug Instructions
Hinge forward, inhale, and grab the bar with a double overhand grip. Stand up tall and ensure your spine remains neutral. Contract the traps to elevate the shoulders. Squeeze hard at the top and slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.
Deadlift Basics
- Walk to the bar. Stand with your mid-foot under the bar. ...
- Grab the bar. Bend over without bending your legs. ...
- Bend your knees. Drop into position by bending your knees until your shins touch the bar. ...
- Lift your chest. Straighten your back by raising you chest. ...
- Pull.
Pull up instructions
- Grab The Bar. Grip it about shoulder-width apart. ...
- Hang. Raise your feet off the floor by bending your knees. ...
- Pull. Pull yourself up by pulling your elbows down to the floor. ...
- Pass The bar. Pull yourself all the way up until your chin passes the bar. ...
- Repeat. Lower yourself all the way down until your arms are straight.
One-Arm Dumbbell Row Instructions
- Choose a flat bench and place a dumbbell on each side of it.
- Place the right leg on top of the end of the bench, bend your torso forward from the waist until your upper body is parallel to the floor, and place your right hand on the other end of the bench for support.
- Use the left hand to pick up the dumbbell on the floor and hold the weight while keeping your lower back straight. The palm of the hand should be facing your torso. This will be your starting position.
- Pull the resistance straight up to the side of your chest, keeping your upper arm close to your side and keeping the torso stationary. Breathe out as you perform this step. Tip:Concentrate on squeezing the back muscles once you reach the full contracted position. Also, make sure that the force is performed with the back muscles and not the arms. Finally, the upper torso should remain stationary and only the arms should move. The forearms should do no other work except for holding the dumbbell; therefore do not try to pull the dumbbell up using the forearms.
- Lower the resistance straight down to the starting position. Breathe in as you perform this step.
- Repeat the movement for the specified amount of repetitions.
- Switch sides and repeat again with the other arm.
Variations: One-arm rows can also be performed using a high pulley or a low pulley instead of a dumbbell.
Seated Cable Rows Instructions
- For this exercise you will need access to a low pulley row machine with a V-bar. Note:The V-bar will enable you to have a neutral grip where the palms of your hands face each other. To get into the starting position, first sit down on the machine and place your feet on the front platform or crossbar provided making sure that your knees are slightly bent and not locked.
- Lean over as you keep the natural alignment of your back and grab the V-bar handles.
- With your arms extended pull back until your torso is at a 90-degree angle from your legs. Your back should be slightly arched and your chest should be sticking out. You should be feeling a nice stretch on your lats as you hold the bar in front of you. This is the starting position of the exercise.
- Keeping the torso stationary, pull the handles back towards your torso while keeping the arms close to it until you touch the abdominals. Breathe out as you perform that movement. At that point you should be squeezing your back muscles hard. Hold that contraction for a second and slowly go back to the original position while breathing in.
- Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
Caution: Avoid swinging your torso back and forth as you can cause lower back injury by doing so.
You can use a straight bar instead of a V-Bar and perform with a pronated grip (palms facing down-forward) or a supinated grip (palms facing up-reverse grip).
Bodybuilding workout
Dumbbell Tricep Extension:
- Step 1: Stand upright, feet shoulder width apart, with a dumbbell in both hands.
- Step 2: Hold the dumbbell perpendicular to the floor with your hands under the top plate, palms facing upward.
- Step 3: Carefully raise the dumbbell overhead. This is your starting position.
- Step 4: Keep your upper arms stationary as you inhale and lower the dumbbell behind your head.
- Step 5: Exhale as you raise the dumbbell back to the starting position.
- Step 6: Repeat for a complete set.
- Grasp the ends of the rope so that your palms are facing inward and your elbows are by your waist. This is your starting position. Step 2: Keeping your body stationary, exhale as you lower the rope by completely extending your arms until they are straight down by your sides.
- STEP 1: Kneel or stand in front of the cable machine and manoeuvre the rope attachment into position with an overhand grip behind your head.
- STEP 2: Hold your torso upright with your abs braced and your posture strong.
- STEP 3: Breathing out and squeezing the grip as tight as you can, press your hands straight up overhead and squeeze your triceps at the top of the movement. *Tip:Make sure you keep your hands apart and don't push the handles together.
- STEP 4: Breathing in, lower your hands back to the position behind your head, stopping when your forearms are parallel to the floor.
- STEP 5: Repeat the exercise for the prescribed number of reps, making sure you hold your posture strong throughout.
Starting Position:
- lay on a bench or on the ground with dumbbell in both hands cupped around one end.
- Bend arm at a 90 degree angle and above the head.
- You should make sure to keep weight from causing the upper arm to move while performing this exercise.
- Both feet should plant firmly on the ground while laying down to help stabilize.
Downward Phase:
- Keeping elbows tucked in and not pointing outwards, slowly expand your triceps and move the dumbbell towards your head.
- Extend triceps until dumbbell is just above the head. your triceps should be moved towards your head, but your upper arms moved as little as possible.
Upward Phase:
- Keeping elbows tucked in slowly raise the weight back to the beginning 90 degree angle.
- Kickback weight until forearm is just shy of parallel with the floor. Your lower arm should now be parallel to the floor.
- Make sure not to use too much weight as dropping the weight could be disastrous.
- Incline Close-Grip Bench Press – Same basic motion as above on an incline bench but the barbell is brought down higher on the chest. The main target remains the triceps but the secondary target is shifted from the lower to the upper pectorals.
- Decline Close-Grip Bench Press– Same motion as above but on a decline bench.
- Standard Bench Press
- Machine-Based Close-Grip Bench Press – Cable, lever and Smith machines all give you ways to perform a variation of the close-grip bench press.
Straightbar pushdown
- Stand facing the weight machine at the end with the cable so that your feet are approximately hip width apart.
- Grasp the bar with an overhand grip. ...
- Push down on the bar until your arms are straight down in front of you. ...
- Return the bar back up to the position in position 2 in a controlled manner.
Bodybuilding workout |
Starting position
- Holding a dumbbell in each hand, sit on a bench inclined at 45 degrees and rest one dumbbell on each knee.
- As you lie back on the bench, kick the dumbbells up, one at a time, into place.
- Position the dumbbells to the sides of your chest, with your elbows bent and tucked in to your torso a little.
- Straighten your wrists.
- Spread your legs and place your feet flat on the floor.
- Exhale as you press the dumbbells upward and inward until your arms are almost fully extended and the dumbbells nearly touch.
- Hold for a count of two and squeeze your chest.
- Inhale as you lower the dumbbells back to the starting position, or until you feel a mild stretch in your chest.
- Repeat.
- Lie on a bench set to a 45-degree incline, holding a pair of dumbbells at arm’s length above your chest, palms forward.
- Keeping your core braced and your elbows close to your body (i.e., not flared), lower the dumbbells to the sides of your chest.
- Pause, and then push the weights back up to the starting position.
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